Saturday, July 10, 2010

Flag Cards

I'm really loving having a big 100 yen ($1 store) near by!
This week when we stopped by a book store I saw a pack of flag flashcards for about 2,000 yen and was tempted to get it.
The Little Guy is starting to figure out countries, world, language, etc. I'd love to ride the wave of his interest so I'm keeping an eye out for useful items. I found these on the way home from the big bookstore for 1/20th of the price!
Each pack has the flags of 54 different countries. On the back is the Continent name, country name in common Japanese, the official name in Japanese and then in English. The capital is also listed. While we aren't ready for this much detail yet I have found it interesting to to see what the official names are in Japanese! (think of China v.s. People's Republic of China)

With Zilla I'll choose a Continent, explain that each country has a flag, take a peek at the children's atlas and then use the cards for a matching activity. Depending on his interest level and questions we'll figure out where to go from there.

This just goes to show that good things really don't need to cost much!

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